Monday, July 19, 2010

New Member

The Van Gorp's newest member:

Claire Velma Van Gorp is our newest member to our family as of Friday. The kids picked out the name well daddy wanted Velma because we all like scooby doo but she is a girl so that didn't work so daddy thought of Velma. But since it is close to Joshua's birthday he gets to pick the name Claire it is. We have been looking for a puppy for a long time and we finally found one!!!

She is a part boxer/shar pei, She is the sweetest thing and cuddled right into Joshua's arms and fell asleep on the van ride home. She matches the color of the boy's hair so seems to fit well into the family. She just turned 8 weeks on Saturday so a puppy yet. But we are excited to watch her grow up with us.
Everyone is enjoying her!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer is going by

Today I realized that summer is zooming by and I am not ready for it to end. We have had such a fun summer and the fun is only beginning. We have lots of activities coming up in the next weeks that makes us look forward to each new week.
So here I am officially a blogger now. Don't know why but am going to try it out for a while.
This week we are looking forward to Joshua's 9th birthday party! It should be lots of fun. He is all into football so that is the theme. I should be making a cake or food right now but I am doing this instead. I think the party will be fun with lots of sports games for the kids to play. I can't believe my baby is growing up so much and turning into such a little man. It makes me think about the wonders of birth and the gifts we have been given to be parents to these precious children from our heavenly Lord who has given them to us to enjoy and raise for His honor and glory. What a true blessing.
This is the day may you rejoice and be glad in it!